DeSantis' critical race theory attack ensures schools won’t teach about successful slave rebellion
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ban on critical race theory earlier this year included rules that require only teaching a “faithful” interpretation of U.S. history, which means only good tales of an American Army fighting oppressive British rule. On DecDeSantis' critical race theory attack ensures schools won’t teach about successful slave rebellion
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ban on critical race theory earlier this year included rules that require only teaching a “faithful” interpretation of U.S. history, which means only good tales of an American Army fighting oppressive British rule. On Dec.15, DeSantis took it even further with a proposal that would give parents the power to sue local school districts that teach anything supposedly “rooted” in critical race theory. This means no teacher is going to teach anything that doesn’t conform to the conservative’s idealistic version of the founding of this country, and it certainly means children won’t learn the story of Florida’s John Horse. His story exalts the fight against the U.S. Army and white supremacy. It’s a shame; his story is one of extreme heroism and bravery. His adversary, U.S. Army General Thomas Jesup, was forced to tell the southern slave holders that John Horse and the Black Seminoles had won their freedom because they could not be conquered. Sadly, historical scholars have failed to recognize this achievement, continuing an unfortunate southern tradition to suppress historical stories of slavery uprisings, even though this story is well-documented. Well, someone can sue me, because I’m telling the story. Read more